Friday, March 27, 2020

When We ALL Unite, No Enemy Stands A Chance!

The CARES Act headed to President Trump’s desk today and President Trump signed it! Following extensive negotiations between the Trump Administration and Congressional leaders, the House of Representatives finally passed the historic $2.2 trillion economic relief package.

The Senate approved the measure yesterday with a 96-0 vote.

What does it mean? American families, healthcare workers, and small businesses will get the economic support they need to get through this challenging time. That includes $1,200 payments to qualifying Americans, $100 billion in direct support for hospitals, and over $370 billion to small business owners to keep their employees on the payroll.

President Trump will sign the bill as soon as it arrives at his desk this afternoon.

WATCH LIVE at 5 p.m. ET: White House holds Coronavirus Task Force briefing

📱 Apple teams up with White House on COVID-19 app! 

Trusted medical information is crucial for Americans in our fight against the Coronavirus. Now, it’ll be easier than ever to find.

Apple Inc., together with the White House, the CDC, and FEMA, has launched a COVID-19 screening tool. The app guides users through questions about symptoms and exposure, using CDC recommendations to help determine what steps people should take, including whether to seek testing.

The CDC will update guidance regularly to make sure the app’s screening criteria stays timely. In addition, the CDC will make the underlying recommendations and algorithms “open source,” allowing others in the private sector to build innovative tools using them.

American companies such as Apple have stepped up to answer President Trump’s call for a public-private alliance against this virus. Some great businesses have responded in more ways than one. Earlier this week, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that his company planned to donate 10 million masks to help our medical community.

When all of America unites, no enemy stands a chance—including this invisible one.

Apple releases new COVID-19 app and website based on CDC guidance

🎬 VP Pence: “We can do this, America—but it will take all of us.”

Photo of the Day

President Trump and Vice President Pence participate in a video teleconference with Governors on COVID-19 | March 26, 2020

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