Wednesday, April 22, 2020

C'mon Congress, Let's Get This Bill Enacted!

The Senate passed funding yesterday to replenish President Trump’s Paycheck Protection Program, which offers forgivable loans to small businesses fighting to survive during the Coronavirus pandemic.

“My administration has worked aggressively with Congress to negotiate this critical $428 billion funding package,” President Trump said last night. “We reached a deal that includes $382 billion in crucial small-business support to keep workers on the payroll.”

The bill also includes $75 billion in hospital aid and $25 billion for testing efforts.

President Trump urged the House to pass the deal quickly so he can sign it into law this week. Thousands of American jobs and small businesses depend on it.  

WATCH: Paycheck program has helped over 1 million of the smallest companies.

🎬 President Trump: Harvard will not keep money intended for small businesses!

President Trump announces more help for minority communities fighting Coronavirus

The legislation passed by the Senate yesterday reserves $30 billion in loans for small financial institutions that serve minority and distressed communities. This support builds on the Trump Administration’s work to protect African-American, Hispanic-American, and minority workers that have been hit hard by Coronavirus.

Part of that work is ensuring sufficient testing options for these populations. In the past month alone, the Department of Health and Human Services has awarded over $1.4 billion to Community Health Centers—funding that is being used to address screening and testing needs, acquire medical supplies, and boost telehealth capacity in underserved areas.

The President also announced that he is directing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, led by HUD Secretary Ben Carson, to focus its efforts on supporting distressed communities impacted by the Coronavirus. As part of its work, the Council will identify what additional funding is needed from Congress to best support these areas.

Video of the day: Vice President Pence in Wisconsin

America is winning this war on Coronavirus because of all the hard work happening at the local level. On factory floors across our country, production has ramped up to get our healthcare workers everything they need to save lives.  

Vice President Mike Pence traveled yesterday to Madison, Wisconsin, where he got a firsthand look at a GE Healthcare manufacturing facility. Thanks to workers like these, America is far ahead of the global curve when it comes to the availability of lifesaving ventilators: No American who has needed one during this crisis has been denied it.

“You have made a difference for America, and with your help, and with God’s help, we will someday soon put the Coronavirus in the past and put all of America back to work,” Vice President Pence said.

America’s ventilator needs are fully met, thanks to President Trump.

🎬 VP Pence: No doubt, GE workers have saved American lives!

Photo of the Day

President Trump and the First Lady participate in a tree planting ceremony | April 22, 2020

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