Saturday, April 11, 2020

Five Not-To-Be-Missed Stories . . . .

Help for America's Small Businesses and Their Workers
-Fox Business
“We want workers to have work, not to become dependent on the unemployment system,” Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia and Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza write. President Trump’s new “Paycheck Protection Program addresses this by offering [100% forgivable] small business loans of up to $10 million.”
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ President Trump: America Works Together!
Democrats Opt for Blackmail Over Small-Business Money—and the Media Covers for Them
-New York Post
This week, Senate Democrats blocked a simple but urgent request to boost emergency relief for U.S. small businesses from $350 billion to $600 billion. “Everything is an opportunity,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, previewing Democrats’ plan to use the small business money as leverage for other items on their political wishlist.
Telehealth Plays Big Role in Coronavirus Cure
-Orlando Sentinel
“As our country responds to the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, we are working rapidly to change the way we practice medicine to keep people safe,” Surgeon General Jerome Adams and CMS Administrator Seema Verma write. “For the duration of the pandemic, Medicare beneficiaries may now stay at home and use a commonly available interactive form of technology like FaceTime or Skype to have a telehealth office visit.”
🎬 VP Pence: We’re seeing results, thanks to the American people
WHO Failed
-National Review
When President Trump limited travel from China in January—a move that bought America precious time to prepare for Coronavirus—the World Health Organization slammed the decision. “The record is clear: The WHO has lent its imprimatur to Chinese disinformation and blessed China’s slow response to its domestic outbreak, which likely caused a 20-fold increase in cases,” the National Review editorial board writes.
Ivanka Trump Lassos $1.6B for Virus-Slammed Small Companies
-Washington Examiner
“Ivanka Trump, President Trump’s jobs czar, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have rallied American banks to pony up $1.6 billion to help small businesses and Main Street Americans crushed by the coronavirus,” Paul Bedard reports.
🎬 Ivanka Trump: “We’ll keep fighting for you.”

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