Thursday, April 2, 2020

How The 'Tolerant' Ones Feed Hatred . . .

They preach "tolerance" but they practice INtolerance.
In fact, many liberals (aka progressives) in this country feed cesspools of hate.
Let us give you an example.
A liberal Facebook friend recently posted a Yahoo News story headlined "Rush Limbaugh: Economy Being Destroyed 'Under The Guise' Of Saving Lives." The story pictured a bearded and largely emaciated Limbaugh just off chemo treatment for stage four lung cancer. To this the friend attached the words "Oh, shut up" and invited comment.
Here are some of the unedited comments that poured in:

Does he have to be an asshole until the end?

Doesn’t he have cancer? Shouldn’t he be dead and in hell already?

he’s still talking about nothing but BS... too bad it’s not throat CA...

when does he go off the air? I thought he was near death.

What a complete a$$hat

Who let him out?

He needs euthanasia.

I don't even need to read the article to concur with your sentiment.

Why is he still alive? Isn’t it his obligation as an o,d sick man to die?

Rush Limbaugh is the disease, and cancer is the cure.

We need laws like France or Canada used to have (maybe still do) whereby anyone in journalism who knowingly or unknowingly spreads misinformation or disinformation (or maybe even dysinformation?) is legally liable for prosecution.

So, there you have it -- a valuable peek into the minds of liberals in this country. 
They say they champion fairness and equality. They say they're for free speech. They say they want to hear all points of view. But they lie! 
Like many of their friends in the media they would actually prefer to live in an echo chamber where only the view which they have deemed "politically correct" is heard. They're vaulted "safe space" is a place where opposing views are neither welcomed. nor heard
And, if you hold or express such opposing views, you need to SHUT UP because you are an "asshole" who should be afflicted with a dread disease that renders you speechless. Or maybe you should just be prosecuted and jailed.
Bt it gets worse. Because, save euthanasia, they'll be no mercy for you. You should be dead!
So much for free speech, tolerance and understanding . . . . 

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