Tuesday, April 28, 2020

One NJ Town Reopens Its Parks; Will Others Follow?

New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio applauds Rockaway Township’s decision to open up their local parks and trails.

Rockaway Township is opening parks and trails to residents seeking a place to walk in the sunshine, and Senator Pennacchio said the state should follow suit. (NJ Division of Parks & Forestry)

“Residents will now be able to enjoy a walk in the sunlight and breathe fresh air while still maintaining social distancing,” said Pennacchio (R-26).

The decision was announced in a message from Mayor Michael Puzio on the township web site.

“The Murphy Administration in response to the COVID-19 outbreak has closed state parks and beaches essentially deeming them a health hazard. The State treats concerts in the park the same as they do an individual taking a leisurely stroll,” Pennacchio said. “There is ‘zero’ scientific evidence to back such draconian measures.”

The Senator questioned why state policy would allow people to travel and purchase alcohol, but forbid a husband and wife from holding hands while walking in the park.

“The Administration’s public health policy is a patch work of measures, many of which do not make sense and lack scientific credibility,” noted Pennacchio. “You can shop in Home Depot but not drop your clothes off at the cleaners.

“The people of New Jersey have sacrificed an awful lot for the safety of all. They are willing to continue to sacrifice, but what they want is clear scientifically based reasoning for those sacrifices. I applaud Rockaway for taking these initial steps applying common sense and reasoning,” concluded Pennacchio.

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