Monday, April 6, 2020

Timely Help For America's Small Businesses

“We want workers to have work, not to become dependent on the unemployment system,” Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia and Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza write for Fox Business.

“Small businesses often lack the reserves and access to liquidity that large companies can call upon in hard times. The Paycheck Protection Program”—signed by President Trump on March 27—“addresses this by offering small business loans of up to $10 million . . . Critically, the loans are forgivable if the business retains and continues paying its workers for eight weeks.”

Click here to read more.
“We have great patriots working across this country who continue to support our food supply chain. From the production of equipment, feed and fertilizer; to the farmer who puts the seed in the ground; to the packers, processors and truckers who bring that food to the market; to the grocers getting that food to consumers, America’s food supply is safe and secure,” Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue writes for Fox News.
“For decades, Americans have rallied behind their president in time of crisis, so it’s no mystery that President Trump’s approval ratings are up. Except, that is, to anti-Trump obsessives — including much of the media. ‘Who Are the Voters Behind Trump’s Higher Approval Rating?’ a New York Times headline asked last week.” Read more from the New York Post editorial board.
“Social media has given people at home a small glimpse into the lives of nurses and doctors during this time. Many health care workers have showed the world what they’re doing when they’re not working: They’re praying,” Caitlin O’Kane writes for CBS News.

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