Friday, April 10, 2020

Will THIS Scenario Lead To President Biden?

The latest poll numbers show President Donald Trump with his highest approval rating ever. In fact, in some polls Trump is at or over the key 50 percent mark which would make him virtually unbeatable.
But don't take this to the bank.
Because, the longer America remains closed and the more the scenario is big government to the rescue, the more this all plays into the hands of Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Indeed, the Dems can now point to an infusion of more than two trillion dollars in federal money as certifiable proof that the federal government can instantly unleash Big Bucks to make all your problems go away. They can provide health care; wipe out your debt; force big business to bend to your wishes; put ready cash in your pocket and even pay you not to work.
And there's this too; a limited, tightly controlled campaign helps Biden because it allows his team to carefully mold his words and images and rigidly mask his many deficiencies and inadequacies via fewer gaffes or missteps.
Furthermore, if President Trump can't hold his big rallies he loses his prime audience as well as his biggest showcases and most effective psychological weapon. Meanwhile, Biden gains because the public isn't reminded that Biden would never be able to attract even a fraction of such a crowd in  the first place.
Look at how this might play out in a Biden campaign during an era of fear and loathing:

1) Uncle Joe's Front Porch Campaign -- Wherein folksy Joe Biden periodically addresses you from home, providing comforting bromides.

2) Neighborly Joe's Big Government Umbrella - Wherein friendly Joe reminds you of all the great government programs he's hatched and all the new ones that are ready to rescue you.

3) Cuddly Joe's Security Blanket - Wherein comforting Joe is presented as instant pablum in troubled times. In a word, reassuring.

4) Wise 'Ole Joe's Proven Solutions - Wherein Joe's (and Bernie's and AOC's) radical ideas are masked as practical solutions for a nation in need.

5) Best Friend Joe's Last Hurrah - Where "one term Joe" reminisces with you and prepares to take his final bow, assuring you that his Veep (aka successor) is so ready and adept, you'll hardly know the difference when the time comes.

On top of all this, think about how easy it will be for the Democrats to steal the election outright if we switch to an all-mail ballot.
Be forewarned, America -- be very forewarned!

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