Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Without An Opening Date, We CANNOT Go On!

We need a goal.
We've got to know how this will end -- and when.
Yes, when!
We can't be dreaming of the moment, planning for the moment, rehearsing the moment without knowing when the moment will be. We cannot live in a state of amorphous suspension.
We need an end game. If we don't have one, then this is just a sort of economic Vietnam -- a humiliating mess with no goal and no end in sight.
Who effed up our efforts  in Vietnam? Don't you remember? It was the so-called "experts" -- the functionaries, the bean counters, the technocrats and the bureaucrats. And our "leaders" at the time listened to them and followed their advice. And these experts kept buying more and more and more time, to hide their dirty little secret, which was that they made it up as they went along. And so it went along forever. This is a sort of domestic Vietnam compressed into days instead of years. And we're doing it to ourselves. We've making this mess ourselves.
The damage to the economy and our way of life is exponential -- yes, every bit as exponential (maybe even more so) as the virus itself. The damage to our everyday lives (both individually and collectively) is not only incalculable -- it's monstrous and devastating. Think of it in terms of mass anxiety, suspicion and a sort of ongoing calamity. It will show itself in the form of depression, addiction, even suicide.
We cannot go on like this.
And so we must demand a definitive date with NO further postponements. Indeed, we're owed such a date. And if we have a date, we can do it. We're Americans. To hell with the experts and the whole damned deep state.
We will rise to the challenge. We'll be ready for our Opening Night.
Yes, the theater's been dark long enough. So tell us Mr. President: When does the curtain go up on America again?

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