Wednesday, May 13, 2020

America Leads The World; Remains Strong!

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany set the record straight.

“I want to highlight three critical aspects of President Trump’s response to the Coronavirus that have exceeded the media’s expectations and should inspire confidence in every American across this country,” she said during today’s press conference.

🎬 Press Secretary: The real story on ventilators, N95 respirators, and testing

First was ventilators. Some pundits said America needed 1 million of them to survive the Coronavirus and claimed we’d face a major shortage. “In fact, it’s encouraging to be able to say that every single American who has needed a ventilator has received a ventilator,” McEnany said.

Under President Trump, America is manufacturing 100,000 ventilators in just 100 days—three times the number that are typically produced in an entire year.

Next was N95 respirators. The Trump Administration has now shipped over 90 million of these protective devices across the country. Once again, that triples the healthcare industry consumption level for an ordinary year in just a few months.

And finally, testing—a topic full of misleading and outright false media information. As President Trump announced yesterday, America is closing in on 10 million Coronavirus tests performed thus far. That number leads the world, and it’s not close.

“For weeks, the media cited South Korea as being the gold standard for testing,” McEnany said. “But as it stands, we are now testing at a higher rate per capita.”

🇺🇸 No other country comes close on testing!

How did it happen? President Trump mobilized a massive private-sector response, slashing red tape to allow for quick innovation and development. He made sure private labs were seen as part of the solution, not as a problem for Washington to manage.  

So far during this pandemic, the FDA has granted 92 emergency use authorizations for Coronavirus tests. That’s more EUAs than were issued during the H1N1, Avian flu, MERS, Ebola, Enterovirus, and Zika outbreaks combined.

As a result, our nation’s testing capacity skyrocketed. Americans can now get a result in as little as 5 minutes and even collect samples without having to leave their own homes.
“Three weeks ago, we were conducting roughly 150,000 tests per day,” President Trump said from the Rose Garden yesterday. “Now we’re doing approximately 300,000 tests per day—a 100 percent increase—and it will go up substantially from that number.”

🎬 Watch: More than 240 test sites helping our underserved communities

🏗 See the wall being built!

The wall is going up. Just as President Trump pledged, his Administration is working hard to stop illegal immigration at the border—before it spills over into our communities.

Now, there’s a new way to watch that progress unfold.

🎥 See the wall being built!

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has launched a page on its website showing highlights of this construction. You’ll find the latest footage from different sectors along our southern border, as well as a map to see where new barrier has gone up so far.

Construction is going smoothly and keeping on schedule. By the end of this year, the Trump Administration is set to have built nearly 450 miles of border wall.

Promise kept!

Photo of the Day

President Trump delivers remarks on Coronavirus testing capacity | May 11, 2020

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