Friday, May 8, 2020

Murphy's CIVID Response: What You Need To Know!

Here is a special message from Doug Steinhardt, Chair of the New Jersey Republican State Committee:

Our senior population is the most vulnerable demographic to this pandemic and it appears that Governor Murphy has cost thousands their lives and jeopardized the lives of an untold number more,” said Steinhardt. “The NJGOP calls upon the Senate President and Assembly Speaker to convene swift and thorough hearings into the Administration’s handling of New Jersey’s long term care facilities, what the State knew, when, and why New Jersey’s senior population was exposed to these risks.
Here's what you need to know today
1. The fifteen members of the Senate Republican caucus urged Governor Phil Murphy to listen to the common concerns that have been raised repeatedly by constituents during the seven weeks that New Jersey has been locked down and to act on proposed recommendations. Read more here...

2. Assemblyman Gerald Scharfenberger (R-Middletown) has proposed his own plan for re-opening New Jersey during the coronavirus pandemic. Read more here... 

3. President Trump  recognized a group of extraordinary nurses and  signed a proclamation in honor of National Nurses Day. President Trump will continue to utilize the full power of the federal government to defeat the virus and support our healthcare professionals, and he has already  delivered:
  • $175 billion in funding for hospitals and other healthcare providers
  • Over 75 million N95 respirators
  • 120 million surgical masks
  • 8 million face shields
  • More than 19 million gowns
  • Nearly 1 billion gloves

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