Saturday, May 30, 2020

Pulling Out Of WHO; Nailing Twitter For Bias, More!

Trump Pulls U.S. Out of World Health Organization, Slaps Penalties on China Over Hong Kong Action
-The Washington Times
“President Trump announced Friday the U.S. is terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronavirus crisis,” Tom Howell Jr. and Dave Boyer report. The President also took action on China for misleading the world about the virus, as well as for its security crackdown on Hong Kong.

🎬 President Trump: “Cover-up of the Wuhan virus allowed the disease to spread”
Coronavirus Task Force Chief Mike Pence: You Did It, America
-Washington Examiner
Early on, experts warned President Trump that without social distancing, the COVID-19 death toll could reach as high as 2.2 million. But with it, the range would drop to 100,000 to 240,000. “Today, as many states begin to ease rules near the Memorial Day holiday week turning point that [Vice President Mike Pence] predicted, the death toll, tragic as it is, stands at the lowest level on that chart,” Paul Bedard writes.

VP Pence: 167,000% surge in tests, 663M masks, and 110,000 ventilators ‘ready this fall’
Ivanka Trump Helps Treasury Prioritize $10B Funding for Minority-Owned Small Businesses
-Fox Business
“Ivanka Trump, senior adviser to President Trump, is working closely with the Treasury Department and Small Business Administration to help allocate $10 billion in funding for minority-owned small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic,” Audrey Conklin writes.
Trump’s Social Media Executive Order is Justified – Protects Free Speech, Combats Censorship
-Fox News
“President Trump was right and justified Thursday to sign an executive order calling for new regulations to strip legal liability protections from social media companies that censor posts and engage in political conduct on their sites,” Jim Hanson writes.

🎬 FCC Commissioner: Move shines a light on companies taking political sides
It’s Time To Stop Pretending Twitter Is Neutral
-The Federalist
“By stepping in to flag Trump’s tweet with a warning label and a link so users can ‘get the facts’ about mail-in ballots (which ironically links to a CNN article by Chris Cillizza), Twitter abandoned any claim it had to being a neutral facilitator,” John Daniel Davidson writes.
MORE: “33 Examples of Twitter’s Anti-Conservative Bias”

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