Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Taking On WHO; Standing With Farmers!

The World Health Organization’s response to Coronavirus has been filled with one misstep and cover-up after another. American taxpayers send over $400 million to the WHO each year—about 10 times what China gives—for the privilege of watching this UN agency parrot Chinese government claims and put political correctness over saving lives.

President Trump halted this funding last month until the WHO’s mismanagement of the pandemic is investigated. In the meantime, the United States is redirecting global health aid to other groups directly engaged in the fight.

This week, President Trump sent a letter to Dr. Tedros, Director-General of the WHO, outlining 14 serious concerns raised by America’s review of the agency. Here’s an excerpt:

The World Health Organization has repeatedly made claims about the coronavirus that were either grossly inaccurate or misleading . . . You praised the Chinese government for its "transparency" with respect to the coronavirus, announcing that China had set a "new standard for outbreak control" and "bought the world time." You did not mention that China had, by then, silenced or punished several doctors for speaking out about the virus and restricted Chinese institutions from publishing information about it.

Click here to read President Trump’s full letter.

MOREBehind the President’s decision to halt WHO funding

Farmers to President Trump: ‘You stand behind us’

President Trump announced major action this morning to support America’s farmers, ranchers, and growers during the Coronavirus pandemic and recovery.

The newly launched Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, or CFAP, will provide direct relief to American farmers and ranchers who saw significant price declines during the Coronavirus outbreak. Alongside CFAP, the USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program will partner with distributors to purchase $3 billion in fresh produce, dairy, and meat products to help Americans in need.

“We fought hard for this,” the President said, standing alongside Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and Ivanka Trump, who helped launch the initiative.

🎬 President Trump: Thank you for keeping food on the table!

“Farmers across America are very appreciative, Mr. President, of what you've done,” American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall said today. “We appreciate when we're going through difficult times, that you stand behind us.”

With strong farms, America’s food supply chain will remain safe and secure as our country reopens. Last month, President Trump used the Defense Production Act to make sure Americans have a reliable supply of beef, pork, and poultry in the months ahead.

🇺🇸 American agriculture remains the bedrock of our economy!

READ: “Ivanka Trump pushes food distribution program”

Photo of the Day

President Trump’s motorcade en route to Capitol Hill | May 19, 2020

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