Thursday, May 21, 2020

Testa: 'Blood On Hands Of Murphy Administration'

From our friends at Save Jersey  (Reprinted with permission.)
Freshman State Senator Mike Testa (R-1) offered some of the harshest criticism of the Murphy Administration to date on Monday, accusing the Democrat administration of having “blood” on its hands for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic at long-term care facilities.
“There is blood on the hands of the Murphy administration,” Testa tweeted, sharing a link to a disturbing article detailing mass dysfunction inside the state’s department of health.
There were 5,408 reported coronavirus deaths at long-term care facilities as of Monday, nearly 52% of all deaths reported statewide since the Garden State’s outbreak began in earnest in March.
Consensus is building that New Jersey failed its most vulnerable residents.
“The striking contrast between Florida on one hand and New York and New Jersey on the other can be traced largely to policy decisions by their governors,” NY Post Michael Goodwin opined on Saturday. “Gov. ­Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey issued almost identical orders in late March requiring nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients being discharged from hospitals. The orders barred the homes from even asking if the patients had the virus, lest they be discriminated against.”

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