Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Biggest Political Scandal Of Our Time

“For years now the media have done everything they can to push the Trump-Russia collusion hoax—even after a years-long special counsel investigation by Robert Mueller turned up nothing—using the complexity of the scheme to hide the greatest political scandal of our time in plain sight,” John Daniel Davidson writes in The Federalist.

“If ever there was a threat to the rule of law, it was the Obama administration’s abuse of power and its weaponization of intelligence agencies in an attempt to take down Trump.”

Click here to read more.
"A stunning 39 separate officials snooped on Mr. Flynn’s conversations with foreign actors, lodging nearly 50 unmasking demands between Nov. 30, 2016 and Jan. 12, 2017.” Many of the people on that list are “partisan officials who had no business spying on their successors," The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.
President Trump will visit a medical equipment distributor in Pennsylvania today, “where he’s expected to talk about coronavirus testing and the equipment needed to combat the public health crisis,” Laura Olson reports for The Morning Call.
“House Democrats have released a completely unserious proposal to respond to the public health and economic crisis the nation is confronting as a result of COVID-19. Spanning more than 1,800 pages, the bill represents a partisan laundry list of mostly bad policies, calling for trillions of dollars of additional deficit spending on handouts and items unrelated to the crisis,” The Daily Signal reports.

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