Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Drip-Drip-Drip Of Declassified Docs!

“The drip-drip-drip of newly declassified documents related to the Trump-Russia investigation, together with recent reports that a classified leak against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn might not have come from an unmasking request, leaves little doubt that the Obama administration weaponized federal surveillance laws to target Trump associates and undermine the incoming administration,” John Daniel Davidson writes in The Federalist.

“The story thus far is complex, but it reveals a disturbing abuse of power by the Obama administration that suggests congressional reform of federal surveillance laws is needed to ensure this never happens again.”
Click here to read more.
“Susan Rice’s memo about a high-level Jan. 5, 2017, meeting plainly aimed to protect the then-national security adviser’s boss, President Barack Obama—but it’s backfiring spectacularly. Rice sent the Jan. 20, 12:15 p.m., note (recently declassified) to herself at literally the last minute: President Trump was sworn in at noon that day; her administration was headed out the door,” the New York Post editorial board writes.
“When the last space shuttle launched in 2011, few people at NASA believed it would be nearly a decade before American astronauts would launch into space again from U.S. soil,” Kristin Fisher reports. Next week’s launch is “going to be a great, great source of inspiration for every American,” Vice President Mike Pence says. Read more in Fox News
Today, “President Donald Trump will hold a discussion on efforts to help distressed communities recover from the COVID-19 pandemic before touring a Ford manufacturing plant in [Michigan’s] Ypsilanti Township,” Malachi Barrett reports for

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