Thursday, May 28, 2020

VIDEO: Dan Cirucci Chats With EVERYBODY!

Tired of binge watching?
Need a change from your tapped-out streaming service?
Weary of the bad news on every 24/7 cable news channel?
Looking for scintillating conversation on just about everything?
Then tune into one of our Dan Cirucci interviews right here, because Dan talks to everybody!

Watch as Dan chats with Billy Prempeh, a New Jersey congressional candidate whose views may surprise you and challenge preconceived notions. 

Join Dan and noted columnist and radio host Christine Flowers for the most unusual conversation they've ever had -- a session that discusses everything except politics!

Get the inside scoop on what's happening in the Old Dominion (aka Virginia) from Adam Perry who fills Dan in on Covid restrictions, drive-in church services and the latest on a governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general who have all been beset by messy charges of improper conduct.

Watch Dan's exclusive interview with New Jersey State Senator Michael Testa as he expresses concerns over Governor Murphy's delay in reopening the state and addresses the unique experience of South Jersey and its residents. THIS is a real eye-opener!

Gain a keener understanding of those ever-changing Covid numbers and what they really mean as Dan chats with Jon Pearce, a top finance and data expert. Lively and very informative!

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