Monday, May 18, 2020

Why Are Media Ignoring Obama & Co. Unmasking?

“The media are mostly ignoring the news that 39 Obama officials sought to read the transcripts of Michael Flynn’s conversations with foreigners, but here and there they’ve asked a question. The unpersuasive answers suggest there’s more to learn,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.

The left’s assumption seems to be that “it’s OK to eavesdrop on your political opponents if you’re curious about their conversations with foreigners. We doubt that justification would have played well had the George W. Bush Administration spied on Barack Obama’s incoming team.”

Click here to read more.
Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue visited a Maryland food wholesaler on Friday to launch a $3 billion “Farmers to Families Food Box” program. This effort, part of President Trump’s $2.2 trillion Coronavirus relief package, ensures that certain distributors allocate food from small farms to nonprofits and faith-based groups, Audrey Conklin reports for Fox Business.
“Let’s be clear: A crime was committed in the Michael Flynn case. But that crime was committed not by the retired general, but by someone who leaked the classified details of his conversations with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak,” American Enterprise Institute Resident Fellow Marc Thiessen writes in The Washington Post.
“This year, as the deadly COVID-19 pandemic continues to sweep through our country, Police Week went virtual in order to mitigate the risk of further spread. The fact that we couldn’t be together physically was an important reminder for Americans to pay thanks to the men and women who wear the uniform each day, risking their own health and safety to protect our communities,” Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf writes for Fox News.

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