Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Truly Stirring Commencement Address - And More!

President Trump delivered a commencement address on Saturday to 1,107 new officers graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point.

With many families and friends unable to attend the ceremony because of social distancing guidelines, President Trump took time to recognize and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of these young men and women.

“Few words in the English language and few places in history have commanded as much awe and admiration as West Point,” he said, calling the Academy “a universal symbol of American gallantry, loyalty, devotion, discipline, and great skill.”

Here are a few excerpts from what he told the Class of 2020 cadets:
  • “Every graduate on this field could have gone to virtually any top-ranked university that you wanted. You chose to devote your life to the defense of America.”
  • “You have come from the farms and the cities, from states big and small, and from every race, religion, color, and creed. But when you entered these grounds, you became part of one team, one family, proudly serving one great American nation.”
  • “The survival of America and the endurance of civilization itself depends on the men and women just like each of you. It depends on people who love their country with all their heart and energy and soul.”
  • “When it comes to bragging rights, no one can boast louder than the class that brought Navy’s 14-year football winning streak to a screeching halt. You did that. I happened to be there.”
The Class of 2020 cadets begin their careers at a crucial moment in U.S. history. President Trump believes the sacred duty of America’s military is to defend our country from foreign enemies, not to rebuild foreign nations. “We are not the policemen of the world,” he told the graduating class.

🎬 President Trump: We are ending the era of endless wars

READPresident Trump’s full remarks

In photos: Vice President Pence meets with faith leaders

Vice President Mike Pence joined a roundtable discussion at Covenant Church of Pittsburgh on Friday, where faith and community leaders shared ways to protect equality and opportunity for every American.

“We are going to continue to have conversations with community leaders across the Country and listen to their insights on how we can encourage healing in our Nation,” the Vice President wrote on Twitter. “We will work every day for the safety and prosperity of every American.”

🎬 Vice President Pence on school choice

President Trump visited Dallas last week, where he outlined steps to address racial inequality in healthcare, resources and funding for small businesses, and education.

“The truth is the African-American community has been years ahead of the broader population in understanding the justice behind allowing parents to choose where their children go to school, whether it’s public, private, parochial, or religious school,” Vice President Pence said.

PHOTOS: Vice President joins faith and community leaders in Pittsburgh

Photo of the Day

Members of the U.S. Military participate in a flag-raising ceremony in honor of Flag Day | June 14, 2020

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