Monday, June 15, 2020

COVID 19: The Untold Story Of America's Success!

“The story of how the country went from nothing to more than half-a-million COVID tests on some days is a tale of inspired private–public cooperation,” Rich Lowry writes for National Review.

“The media often insisted that there was no testing plan, simply because the plan wasn’t centralized enough, a line of attack pursued by Democrats as well.”

Click here to read more.
“It's quite clear that City of Seattle elected officials are lacking the political will to enforce the rule of law. And this is the closest I've seen since being a 20-year professional in public safety service of our country becoming a lawless state,” Seattle Police Officers Guild President Mike Solan warns. Read more from Sam Dorman in Fox News.
Endless lockdowns hurt small businesses—and they may hit minority-owned businesses the hardest. “From February to April, the number of active black business owners fell 41% . . . If Covid-19 cases keep rising in the weeks to come, city and state leaders might reimpose a strict lockdown. They should bear in mind who’d be harmed most by the ensuing economic destruction,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. 
“Whether ‘Defund the Police’ actually means dismantling police departments, as it appears to in Minneapolis, or is an attempt to gaslight conservatives while neutering law enforcement, one thing is certain: The party yelling to ‘defund the police’ is the same one that desperately wants to disarm the citizenry,” Kylee Zempel writes for The Federalist.

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