Tuesday, June 2, 2020

How The Masters Of Illogical Thought Muddle Along!

Another absolute gem from our friend Matt Rooney, the founder and astute commentator behind the Save Jersey blog:
I'm so sick and tired of pretending any of this makes sense.
Yes, that Minneapolis officer 100% deserves to be prosecuted for murder. No one I've spoken to, right or left, disagrees. Moving on...
The uncomfortable truth for some of you: the primary players in the current national televised drama are people who (1) religiously vote for Democrats. Some of them (2) are destroying Democrat-run small businesses (3) in places governed and represented FOR GENERATIONS by Democrats (4) to "protest" the behavior of police departments directly overseen by... you guessed it... Democrats.
Your conclusion: the Republican president is the one who needs to go in November? Okay. Interesting theory...
Or maybe - just maybe (hear me out on this crazy idea) - Americans living in cities should stop reflexively voting for Democrats? So there could be a competitive political environment with actual accountability for "the system" they despise?
Just a thought offered in good faith.

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