Saturday, June 6, 2020

Now More Than Ever, Stand Up For FREE SPEECH!

More and more, those who have overtaken our streets are demanding aligned thought and speech.
These same thought and speech police are also pervasive in the media, in universities and in the entertainment industry. Increasingly, this same push for compelled speech is also taking hold in organized sports and among the corporate world. Indeed the buzz words of the liberal cognoscenti have become sacrosanct while other words and thoughts are virtually banished. "Think and speak this way," they seem to say, "or you will be held in contempt and banished." They want to intimidate you so that you want even think about embracing or expressing an opposing point of view.
But surely you must know that this is tyranny. It's how totalitarianism takes hold. For a democracy such as ours, it is most assuredly the road to ruin.
And yet it's happening.
It's happening right now.
It's happening everywhere right here in our own country.
The only way to stop it is to SPEAK OUT loudly and clearly and refuse to be silenced.
Remember what George Washington said: “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

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