Friday, June 19, 2020

Open Speech, DACA, Police Reform, And More . . .

Assault on Open Speech is an Attack on America
-Washington Examiner
“There are two sides in the defining fight ripping America apart, and they aren't Republicans and Democrats. The fight is between those who believe that open speech is essential to preserving the nation and those who believe in narrowing the debate and favor cultural erasure,” the Washington Examiner editorial board writes.
On Daca, Obama Can but Trump Can’t
-The Wall Street Journal
“The practical consequence of the [Supreme Court’s DACA] ruling is that a President can create an unlawful policy without legislation from Congress, but a future President cannot lawfully undo it without first jumping through regulatory hoops that can take years,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.
Trump Signs Police Reform Executive Order in Rose Garden Ceremony
-Fox News
“The National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the largest law enforcement union in the U.S., praised Trump's [executive order on policing],” Tyler Olsen reports. “‘It strikes a great balance between the vital need for public and officer safety, and the equally vital need for lasting, meaningful, and enforceable police reform,’ the organization said.”

MORE: SAFE policing for SAFE communities!
Trump Initiative Aims to Reduce High Suicide Rate Among Veterans
-The Daily Signal
This week, President Trump unveiled a new roadmap to address the issue of veteran suicide, Fred Lucas reports. “The loss of our heroes breaks our hearts and pains our souls . . .  They fought our battle overseas, and now we must join them in winning this new battle at home,” the President said at a White House ceremony.

🎬 WATCHSecond Lady Karen Pence on ending “stigma of mental health”
Lockdowns Hit Minority Businesses
-The Wall Street Journal
Endless lockdowns hurt small businesses—and they may hit minority-owned businesses the hardest. “From February to April, the number of active black business owners fell 41%,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. Local leaders “should bear in mind who’d be harmed most by the ensuing economic destruction” of more lockdowns.

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