Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Van Drew: Murphy 'Forcing Businesses To Die'

Statement by New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew about Governor Phil Murphy's decision to indefinitely delay the indoor reopening of restaurants and gyms in the state.
This is no longer about safety. This is Governor Murphy forcing businesses to die; businesses that just spent months investing and preparing to open at a time he gave his word to them on. The restaurants placed food orders, bought PPE, hired staff back, and started advertising.How is going to a busy big-box store any safer than a prepared restaurant?To compare us to other states undermines the pain and the work that went in to keeping us at the diminishing virus levels we are currently at. It does not represent any sense of reality in New Jersey.I am completely disgusted and my heart aches for the pain these business owners are feeling after their dreams are being smothered by Governor Murphy’s cruel change of mind.  

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