Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Yes, The Border Is Now 'Completely Transformed!'

“Under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, the operational environment of the Southwest Border has been completely transformed,” Acting Commissioner for U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan writes in Townhall.

“Open borders play right into the hands of the cartels. Without the border wall system, crime and gang activity goes up as drugs, and other contraband make their way north into the homeland.”

Click here for more about the state-of-the-art border wall.
Peer-reviewed studies have shown that the American Bar Association’s ratings for judicial nominees grades Republican-nominated judges more harshly than Democratic ones. “So it is all the more extraordinary that President Trump’s judicial appointments have earned the ABA’s ‘Well Qualified’ rating at nearly the highest rate in five decades,” Assistant Attorney General Beth Williams writes in National Review.
“Hilario Yanez, a Dreamer who was brought to the country illegally as a toddler, told ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ on Sunday that he supports President Trump’s bid to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals [DACA] program in favor of broader reform” to our immigration system, Talia Kaplan writes for Fox News.
“To counter China and Russia, two great-power competitors, U.S. forces must be deployed abroad in a more forward and expeditionary manner than they have been in recent years. This is the main reason the U.S. will reduce its permanently stationed force in Germany,” National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien writes in The Wall Street Journal.

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