Friday, July 24, 2020

CDC: Open Schools; Portland DHS Operation Legal

CDC Releases Updated Guidelines in Favor of Reopening Schools
-The Hill
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) late Thursday released new guidelines with a heavy focus on reopening schools in the fall,” J. Edward Moreno writes. “School closures have disrupted normal ways of life for children and parents, and they have had negative health consequences on our youth,” CDC Director Robert Redfield said.
The Portland DHS Operation Is Legal and Proportionate
-National Review
“The [federal law enforcement] deployment in Portland is plainly legal, justified, and proportionate,” Rich Lowry writes. “Now that Department of Homeland Security officials have explained the operation, there’s no excuse for the continued Nazi references—not that there ever really was.”
Trump Right to Shut Chinese Consulate in Houston — It Was a Massive Spying Operation
-Fox News
“For the [Chinese Communist Party], the Houston consulate served as a base of operations to exploit commercial joint ventures for state purposes and to gain access to advanced technology, proprietary information, and intellectual property in order to advance Beijing’s efforts to undermine U.S. economic and national security,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) writes.
Ivanka Trump Speaks at RMNP Discovery Center, Hikes Bear Lake
-Estes Park Trail Gazette
Ivanka Trump visited Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado this week, where she joined Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to celebrate the Great American Outdoors Act passing through Congress. Ms. Trump called the bipartisan bill the “the farthest reaching conservation legislation since Theodore Roosevelt over 100 year ago.”
In Coronavirus Economy, Trump Administration Pulling Out All Stops to Help Small Business
-Fox Business
“The Paycheck Protection Program has helped save nearly 5 million small businesses and 51 million jobs,” U.S. Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza writes. In addition, “at the direction of the president, federal agencies have already taken more than 700 deregulatory actions” to remove obstacles to job creation and growth, she says.

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