Monday, July 13, 2020

The Media Won't Report The Good That Police Do

Last June, Kemira Boyd’s 12-day-old baby suddenly began to choke. In distress, Boyd jumped into her car, speeding to get help as quickly as possible.

Deputy William Kimbro, a South Carolina police officer, pulled over Boyd for a routine traffic stop when he saw her vehicle. After finding the frantic mother and child inside, he immediately went to work, clearing the baby’s windpipe and helping her to begin breathing again until an emergency medical team arrived. Kimbro saved the child’s life.

Today, Boyd’s child is now Deputy Kimbro’s goddaughter.

🎬 How Deputy Kimbro saved the life of Kemira Boyd’s 12-day-old baby

America’s police officers aren’t the enemyThe vast majority of our country’s law enforcement heroes honor their uniforms each day by saving countless lives and keeping our neighborhoods free from drugs, theft, and violence.

Yet in recent weeks, the men and women in blue have faced attacks from rioters and hostility from leftwing pundits and politicians. Radical Democrats in both Congress and city halls across our country have echoed calls to defund or even abolish police forces.

“Our officers have been under vicious assault, and hundreds of police have been injured—and several murdered,” President Trump said today. “Reckless politicians have defamed our law enforcement heroes as the enemy . . . and even call them an ‘invading army.’”

So today, the President gathered a group of Americans at the White House to tell stories about our police that we almost never hear from the corporate mass media:
  • Battling substance abuse since the age of 11, Kenneth Bearden has suffered over 30 overdoses. Police officers had to help revive him more than a dozen times. Today, Kenneth is 6 years sober. “My son would not have his father today if it wasn’t for [those] police officers.”
  • Spencer Bohan, a non-verbal child with autism, "doesn't really have a sense of danger—so when he goes missing, it's like life or death," his mother Sara said. When he climbed out of his bedroom window and went missing, the Roanoke County Police came and found Spencer within 12 minutes of searching.
  • Pastor Perry Cleek’s church, Lighthouse Baptist in Tennessee, chose to give $1,000 to every member of the town's police department. "The voice of small-town America is seldom heard . . . I think small towns all over America feel like we do,” Pastor Cleek said.

Last year, 89 U.S. law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. Today, there are direct, often fatal consequences for residents of American cities whose leaders turn their backs on policing. Last month, there were 205 shootings in New York City—the most violent June for the city since 1996. In Chicago, between just Friday night and Sunday, 64 people were shot, 11 of whom died. Six teenagers were among those lost.

President Trump signed an executive order last month on Safe Policing for Safe Communities, which incentivizes law enforcement agencies to adopt best practices in the use of force and other areas. Rather than defund police departments, these reforms will help officers share information and build better relationships with their communities.

“I can assure you that while some are talking about defunding the police, under this President and this Administration, we’re going to defend the police,” Vice President Mike Pence said today. “We’re going to back the blue.”

🎬 President Trump: Our police officers aren’t the enemy—they’re heroes.

FULL VIDEOPresident Trump hears stories about America’s brave officers  

Photo of the Day

President Trump holds a roundtable on the impact of law enforcement | July 13, 2020

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