Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Why Won't He Speak Up For Law Enforcement?

The Heather Heidelbaugh campaign today unveiled an online video calling out incumbent Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro for failing to criticize left-wing Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.
The 45-second video details Krasner’s call for a “Reconciliation Commission” criticizing the Philadelphia Police in the wake of nationwide protests. Krasner, a former criminal defense lawyer, has been an outspoken critic of law enforcement and has taken the unprecedented step of declining to prosecute illegal firearm possession.
Shapiro has refused to take up those prosecutions through his own office, even after the general assembly passed legislation giving him authority to step in where Krasner refuses to prosecute.
Shapiro has steadfastly avoided strong criticism of Krasner and has said nothing in response to the DA’s call for a commission that would, in essence, place Philadelphia police on trial in the court of public opinion at a time Pennsylvania cities are experiencing widespread upheaval.
“Josh Shapiro simply won’t stand up for law enforcement,” Heidelbaugh said. “He is putting political alliances and posturing ahead of citizen safety and the well-being of police officers.”
The ad outlines Krasner’s call for a “peace and reconciliation commission” and then displays photographs of Philadelphia police officers who have died in the line of duty.
“When do these men and women get peace and reconciliation?” the narrator asks. “They don’t have a voice anymore. Josh Shapiro does. And he won’t raise it for our fallen police officers.”

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