Monday, July 6, 2020

You Tell Us: What's More Divisive?

“Which is more divisive? Tearing down our nation’s heroes and monuments, demeaning the accomplishments of a great country, casting patriotic Americans as relics from a bygone era, painting the United States as profoundly racist … or railing against these things, as President Trump did at Mount Rushmore?,” Liz Peek writes for Fox News.

The New York Times calls that defense of America a “divisive culture war” message.

“We ask the Times, who declared that war?”

Click here to read more.
“On the same weekend in which famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass 168 years ago delivered one of his most historically resonant speeches, a statue of Douglass was toppled,” Gary Craig and Ryan Miller write in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.
“After making the decision to disband its plainclothes ‘anti-crime’ unit, New York City has seen a 205% increase in shootings in comparison to the same time period last year,” Haley Victory Smith reports. “‘I feel like we are giving the streets back to the criminals,’ said the mother of one shooting victim.” Read more in the Washington Examiner.
“Contrary to claims from both Chinese officials and the World Health Organization, China did not report the existence of the coronavirus in late 2019 . . . Rather, international health officials discovered the virus through information posted to a U.S. website,” Adam Kredo writes in the Washington Free Beacon.

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