Friday, August 14, 2020

Brokering Peace, Giving Schools Tools To Reopen

Israel-UAE Agreement Shows Trump’s Middle East Policy Succeeding
-Fox News
“Thursday’s announcement of a ‘historic peace agreement’ between Israel and the United Arab Emirates—the first deal to normalize relations between Israel and an Arab nation brokered by the U.S. in over a quarter-century—is more evidence that President Trump is the first president in a long time to get U.S. Middle East policy more right than wrong,” writes James Jay Carafano, a foreign policy expert at the Heritage Foundation.

🎬 WATCH: President Trump announces Israel-UAE deal in Oval Office
Governors Can’t Use Coronavirus to Indefinitely Declare a State of Emergency
-The Federalist
“In a moment of national panic, Americans permitted their state and local executives to take power—to declare states of emergency and to implement lockdowns—and now those executives won’t give that power back,” Molly McCann writes. “Our current quandary is that governors are using COVID as an excuse to extend their authority indefinitely.” 
Trump Is Giving Schools Tools to Reopen, and They Must Do So for Children's Sake
-Washington Examiner
“For our children's sake, we must reopen schools for in-person learning. President Trump’s new ‘Kids First’ plan will help enable school districts to do just that,” Kevin Roberts writes. Leading voices, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, “are coming together in agreement: These indefinite school closures are hurting our children.”

LEARN MORE: President Trump supports safely reopening schools
It's Time to Hire American
“President Trump recently suspended the entry of some guest workers into the United States. And he ordered federal officials to stop issuing green cards for the rest of the year, with limited exceptions. These are bold first steps towards halting the massive, harmful influx of foreign labor into the United States”—especially important to get more Americans back to work as we reopen from the pandemic, Marie Larson writes. 
Now There's No Denying It: Obama's FBI Spied On Trump... Period
News broke today that former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to falsifying documents as part of the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016. “If you are conducting surveillance that is not authorized and, in fact, you lied to get the authorization . . . You are spying,” Larry O’Connor writes.

🎬 WATCH: President Trump responds to Clinesmith’s expected plea

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