Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Ciattarelli Blasts Top Court's 'Reckless Spending' OK

New Jersey Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli today issued the following statement.

"Over the course of the past few decades, our state Supreme Court has gotten it so very wrong on key issues like school funding and high-density housing. The shining exception was the 2004 Lance v. McGreevey decision to constitutionally prohibit borrowing to balance our state budget and bonding without voter approval.

That is why it is so infuriating and disappointing to see the Court reverse course and approve Governor Murphy's reckless $10 billion borrowing scheme today. Let me be blunt - the Court got this wrong and the consequences for generations of taxpayers will be catastrophic.

Today's decision is another slap in the face to New Jersey taxpayers who have for too long been victimized by irresponsible Trenton politicians. Politicians who, along with Trenton special interests, have disadvantaged working men and women, seniors on fixed incomes, and businesses large and small for two-plus decades.

The Court's unwillingness to play their role in ending this madness makes one thing very clear: we need a new Governor, a new Legislature, and a new and a grassroots movement to make it happen. That includes a Constitutional Convention that empowers people to take back our state. We need to fix New Jersey, and I am more determined than ever to see that we do."

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