Saturday, August 8, 2020

Democrat House Doesn't Act, So Trump Does!

Great news!
At a news conference this afternoon from his golf resort right here in in Bedminster, N.J., President Trump signed four orders that will provide an additional $400 per week in unemployment benefits, suspend payments on some student loans through the end of the year, protect renters from being evicted from their homes, and instruct employers to defer certain payroll taxes through the end of the year for Americans who earn less than $100,000 annually.
The president has acted boldly and decisively because the Democrat House was refusing to bug on outrageous demands that had stifled an economic relief and stimulus package. President Trump repeatedly warned that he would take such action if forced to. And the president says what he means and means what he says. So, without delay, he acted this afternoon.
Trump said he decided to act on his own and order the benefits after two weeks of negotiations with congressional Democrats collapsed without an agreement on a new coronavirus relief package. 
"We’ve had it," President Trump said. "We’re going to save American jobs and provide relief to the American worker.”

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