Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Jack Goes To Bat For NJ Taxpayers! HOORAY!

Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli today issued the following statement following his legal team’s argument before the New Jersey Supreme Court.

“Today, our legal team, along with Senator Mike Testa, Jr., appeared before the New Jersey Supreme Court to fight for taxpayers,” said Ciattarelli. “I am personally proud of, and grateful for, the hard work and zealous advocacy of our campaign attorney Mark Sheridan and Assemblyman Jay Webber. Mark's powerful oral argument today demonstrates clearly why he is viewed as one of the preeminent attorneys in our state today and I am fortunate to have him on my team.”

“As I’ve said before, the Governor’s backroom deal to borrow $10 billion and saddle future generations with exorbitant debt, is an unconstitutional violation of hardworking New Jersey taxpayers,” explained Ciattarelli, CPA (inactive) and former small business owner. “If left unchallenged, the Governor’s scheme will result in higher taxes and a less affordable New Jersey for decades to come.” 

Ciattarelli concluded, “This has always been a fight worth having. A fight for taxpayers, working families, seniors, small business owners, those who hope to buy a home, and all those already struggling under our highest in the nation property taxes. This decision, and our future fiscal course, are now in the hands of the Justices.”

Click here to watch Dan Cirucci's exclusive interview with Jack Ciatterelli!

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