Sunday, August 23, 2020

NJ GOP To Murphy: We'll See You In Court, Again!

Here is a very special message from the New Jersey Republican Party:
The NJGOP is joining Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee and filed suit this past Tuesday night to invalidate Governor Phil Murphy’s Executive Order 177. This unconstitutional order establishes an all vote by mail scheme that violates New Jerseyans’ 14th Amendment right to vote, as well as the Elections and Electors Clauses of the U.S. Constitution. This unlawful power grab by New Jersey Democrats has demonstrably opened up to fraud the State’s election system and will lead to the widespread disenfranchisement of New Jersey voters.
NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt offered the following comment:

Phil Murphy has ravaged our constitutional rights, upended our economy and sacrificed the health of our veterans and senior citizens. The NJGOP will not let him hijack our right to send his party a message this November, too. We will always fight for free, fair and open elections where every person who is legally entitled to vote can do so.
“Today, we have joined forces with Donald J. Trump for President Inc. and the Republican National Committee, and are once again being represented locally by attorney and State Senator Michael Testa, Jr., opposing Governor Phil Murphy’s all vote by mail scheme in its entirety on the grounds that Executive Order 177 is beyond the scope of powers granted to the Governor under the Elections and Electors Clauses of the U.S. Constitution, and because we reject any system that makes universal vote by mail standard and in person voting provisional.
“We said every option was on the table. We picked one. Governor Murphy, we’ll see you in court, again.”

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