Friday, August 7, 2020

The Stories You Don't Want To Miss Today!

U.S. Economy Adds 1.8 Million Jobs in July, Unemployment Rate Falls to 10.2%
“The U.S. economy added 1.8 million jobs in July and the unemployment rate fell to 10.2 percent, providing reassurance that the labor market has kept up some of its post-lockdown momentum . . . The economy has added around 9.1 million jobs in the past three months,” beating economist predictions three months in a row, John Carney reports.

MORE: Jobs Numbers in July Beat Expectations for Third Straight Month
Trump Signs Executive Order to Boost U.S. Drug Manufacturing
“President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an executive order aimed at boosting U.S. production of medicines and medical equipment, lowering drug prices and protecting the United States against shortfalls in a future pandemic,” Jeff Mason and Andrea Shalal write. “‘We cannot rely on China and other nations across the globe, that could one day deny us products in a time of need,’ Trump said. ‘We have to be smart.’”

President Trump“We have rejected globalism and embraced patriotism.”
Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure
-The New York Times
“The employees of Bergman’s Lock and Key say they were followed by demonstrators with baseball bats. Cure Cocktail, a local bar and charcuterie, said its workers were asked by protesters to pledge loyalty to the movement . . . The experience of the small-business owners seems a universe away from the rhetoric of Seattle’s politicians,” Nellie Bowles writes.
Ivanka Trump Announces Goal of $6 Billion in Capital for Women-Owned Businesses Initiative
-Daily Caller
“Ivanka Trump announced the White House Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative’s new goal of $6 billion in capital for women-owned businesses,” Katie Jerkovich reports. “The Trump Administration is committed to ensuring that women have an equal opportunity to participate in the economy at home and around the world,” Ms. Trump said.
White House Seeks Crackdown on U.S.-Listed Chinese Firms
-The Wall Street Journal
“Chinese companies with shares traded on U.S. stock exchanges would be forced to give up their listings unless they comply with U.S. audit requirements under a plan recommended Thursday by the Trump administration,” Dave Michaels writes. “It is the latest step in the administration’s policy of getting tough with China.”

🎬 WATCHFor years, Washington let unfair trade destroy U.S. jobs

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