Thursday, August 6, 2020

THIS Is The Best Path Forward . . .

Five weeks ago, President Trump sent Vice President Pence to Arizona when the state’s Coronavirus cases began to rise. “We’re going to make sure you have what you need, when you need it, to meet this moment,” the Vice President said in Phoenix.

That same week, Arizona began modeling a path forward. President Trump soon visited the state, sent his top healthcare team—including Dr. Deborah Birx—to meet with local hospital leaders, and made sure personal protective equipment and therapeutic treatments were delivered quickly to the Arizonans who needed them.

🎬 Dr. Birx: How Arizona stayed open while saving lives

“The best path forward is an aggressive strategy focused on protecting Americans at highest risk,” President Trump said at a White House Coronavirus briefing this week.

By instituting the President’s strategy, Arizona began to flatten its curve. Most important, it did so without crippling its economy through mass lockdowns: Full retail is open, indoor dining is at 50 percent capacity, and places of worship remain open.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey met with President Trump in the Oval Office today, where he thanked the Administration for its efforts to help the state manage its outbreak.

“We sat down with Dr. Birx and the Coronavirus task force and talked about mitigation steps,” Gov. Ducey said. “Upon putting those steps out there, we've seen improvement every week, week-over-week, for four weeks.”

In addition to surging testing supplies, the Trump Administration has so far delivered more than 1.9 million N-95 masks, 12.1 million surgical masks, 5.8 million surgical gowns, and 380 million medical gloves to help the people of Arizona beat Coronavirus.

President Trump and his team are now taking “the Arizona model” throughout the south, and the Administration will continue this path forward across the Midwest.

The bottom line: With the right approach, your state can safely remain open while reducing COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

🎬 President Trump: We have worked closely with Arizona

Get the factsAmerica built the best COVID testing system in the world

Video of the Day: President Trump signs historic conservation law! 

President Trump signed the Great American Outdoors Act into law yesterday, marking the most significant conservation achievement since the presidency of Teddy Roosevelt.

“The United States has among the cleanest air and water on Earth, and my administration is working every day to keep it that way,” President Trump said. “We are proving that we can protect our treasured environment without bludgeoning our workers and crushing our businesses.”   

Photo of the Day

President Trump meets with Arizona Governor Doug Ducey in the Oval Office | August 5, 2020

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