Monday, September 28, 2020

A Whole New Generation Of Judges Emerges!

Judge Amy Coney Barrett “is the latest example of a new generation of originalist judges whom Mr. Trump and the GOP Senate have elevated to the federal bench. The numbers—three Justices and 53 appellate-court judges—are crucial, but more important is how they approach the law,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.
“With rare exceptions, they think of themselves as protectors of the proper constitutional order, not as a third policy-making alternative to the political branches.”
Click here to read more.
“We all have had the privilege of being Judge Barrett’s students. While we hold a variety of views regarding how best to interpret statutes and the Constitution, we all agree on this: The nation could not ask for a more qualified candidate than the professor we have come to know and revere,” six Notre Dame Law School alumni and students write in USA Today. 
“As a result of President Trump’s substantial reforms to ObamaCare, premiums declined over the last two years for the first time since the flawed law was enacted. A staple of President Trump’s approach to health care reform is rooted in returning the choice to individuals as opposed to government bureaucrats,” Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson writes for Fox Business. 
“The Department of Homeland Security seized nearly twice as many hard drugs at the U.S.-Mexico border during President Trump's first term in office than in President Barack Obama's two terms,” Anna Giaritelli reports. “We’re talking fentanyl, meth—those, that level of drug seizures,” DHS Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinell said. Read more in the Washington Examiner.

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