Tuesday, September 15, 2020

An Historic Nobel-Worthy Accomplishment!

Today, President Trump is welcoming the Prime Minister of Israel and the Foreign Ministers of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to sign the historic Abraham Accords at the White House.

“President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to establish peaceful relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors, which took a big step forward Friday with the announcement that Israel and Bahrain will establish diplomatic ties,” Rabbi Abraham Cooper writes for Fox News.

After 72 years with only two peace deals involving Israel, President Trump has now helped complete two such agreements in just the past month.

Click here to read more.
“Crews of two California Army National Guard helicopters were awarded the nation’s highest flying honors Monday for their dangerous rescue of hundreds of Mammoth Pool campers trapped by the Creek Fire. President Donald Trump presented each of the seven crew members the Distinguished Flying Cross, which recognizes extraordinary heroism in flight,” Tara Copp reports for The Sacramento Bee. 
“A vaccine for Covid-19 could emerge in the next several months,” write former FDA Commissioners Scott Gottlieb and Mark McClellan. While American scientists and doctors work quickly toward a vaccine under Operation Warp Speed, there will be no cutting corners. “The FDA’s career experts have publicly and clearly affirmed their commitment to the gold standard for review.” Read more in The Wall Street Journal. 
“The two-decade-long crime decline appears to have conclusively plateaued,” Charles Lehman writes. “That suggests that there is more work to be done on cutting violent crime in the United States. Progressives, however, have in recent months agitated for policies that would push the needle in the opposite direction.” Read more in The Washington Free Beacon.

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