Thursday, September 3, 2020

Biden Blasted For Meeting With Antisemite Blake Sr.

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:

ZOA strongly regrets that Joe Biden Met With Jacob Blake Sr. due to Blake's extreme, vile, obscene antisemitic, anti-Christian, racist, pro-Farrakhan, misogynist statements. Biden would never have met with a White racist, why did he meet with a Black racist antisemite? Blake Sr. should have been excluded from the meeting. 
Blake Sr.’s absolutely horrendous posts (includes screenshots collected  here  and items found on ( Blake’s Facebook ) have included:
• “Warning for Jews in Pittsburgh no warning for gunman in Kentucky” (Oct. 27, 2018)
• “A Jew can’t tell me shit period.” (Sept. 13, 2017)
• “The same pink toe Jewish people that control the interest rate control the media they control Minds and money (Nov. 6, 2017)
• “A crackerJ can do whatever to a white woman for years but let a jig try it”
• “The Jewish media picks and chooses who is a terrorists and is not”
Anti-Christian (the second item is also misogynist):
• Picture of Jesus in a toilet bowl (Dec. 21, 2018)
• “Jesus ain’t doing nothing for you miserable broads” (Apr. 22, 2019) 
• Video of young Black boy saying “I’m tired of this church” followed by voice calling this beautiful (Apr. 22, 2019)
• “Fuck the pedophilia church” (Apr. 17, 2019)
• “The role of the Black church.”  Includes video that includes “The Preacher’s job is to keep you docile. . . . The role of the Black church is to keep you deaf, dumb and blind.” (Apr. 17, 2019)
Anti-White Racism:
• “One day pink toes will burn frfr” (May 3, 2019)
•  “It ok for crackers to be pedophiles crackhead heroin abusers pill poppers criminals of all types crack shitt” (Apr. 22, 2019)
• Names for whites include “crackers” “Yackers” and “pink toes” (e.g., May 1, 2019)
• “The pink toes that run Facebook are racist Yakaz (Apr. 30, 2019)
Anti-Black Racism:
• “Young black coons” (Epithet directed at attendees of the Young Black Leadership Summit at the White House (Oct. 28, 2018)
• See above anti-Black church items
• I’m with Farrakhan 100” (May 3, 2019)
• “Fu Facebook and Zuckerberg” (May 3, 2019) (when Farrakhan was banned)
• Video of Farrakhan (e.g. Apr. 22, 2019)

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