Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Don't Miss These Five Important Stories

“Another American city is smoldering because weak politicians failed in their most basic duty: protecting the lives and property of their citizens,” Sen. Tom Cotton writes for Fox News.

“Months into this crisis, the lesson to any responsible leader is clear: take action quickly to maintain order, otherwise anarchists and insurrections will be emboldened to destroy your city and move on to the next one. Last week, Kenosha and Minneapolis were the unlucky cities. Next week, it could be your home town.”

Click here to read more.

MORE: Acting DHS Secretary Wolf responds to Portland Mayor’s letter
“Protests have spread across the United States for months now, along with calls for defunding local police departments. But the movement to defund police has a crucial flaw: the policy that it seeks would harm the minority communities whom the protesters claim to care about. Moreover, those communities don’t even agree with it,” Urban Reform Institute President Charles Blain writes in City Journal.
“The Department of Agriculture announced Monday that it is extending and expanding a critical food assistance program that has been providing free meals to millions of children during the coronavirus pandemic . . . In addition to extending the assistance through December 31, [USDA is] also expanding access to it,” Devan Cole reports for CNN.
“As President Trump has said, in honor of ‘the millions of Jews who suffered unthinkable persecution, we renew our pledge now and always: Never again.’ President Trump has made good on that pledge by fighting anti-Semitism at home and abroad and by standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel, the historical homeland and refuge for the Jewish people,” National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien writes for Fox News.

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