Tuesday, September 8, 2020

WOW! It's Just One Major Deal After Another!

President Trump met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Kosovan Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti at the White House on Friday, where the leaders announced a historic commitment to economic normalization between Serbia and Kosovo.

“By focusing on job creation and economic growth, the two countries were able to reach a major breakthrough—something that nobody thought was going to be possible,” President Trump said.

🎬 WATCH: President Trump decided to try something creative and new

President Trump’s Administration has delivered recently on a number of major peacemaking deals. The agreement between Kosovo and Serbia follows just weeks after another huge breakthrough brokered between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

A key side benefit of the Serbia-Kosovo deal, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien said on Friday, is that it now allows for “the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kosovo, a majority-Muslim state, and the State of Israel.”

In the Oval Office, President Vučić and Prime Minister Hoti thanked President Trump and his team for their commitment to peace and stability in the region.

“I look forward to seeing Serbia and Kosovo prosper as we work together on economic cooperation in the region. Going forward—I look forward to going to both countries someday in the not-too-distant future,” President Trump said.

📖 Serbia-Kosovo deal comes from Trump's different brand of diplomacy

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Great American Comeback continues as unemployment rate falls

It’s official: The U.S. economy added nearly 1.4 million jobs last month, bringing the total to 10.6 million jobs created since May. All told, that accounts for about 50 percent of all jobs lost during the Coronavirus pandemic.

“We’re currently witnessing the fastest labor market recovery from an economic crisis in history—world history,” President Trump said at a Labor Day press conference.

🎬 “We are recovering at a much faster rate than any other nation.”

The unemployment rate fell 1.6 percentage points for Africans Americans, 2.4 percentage points for Hispanic Americans, and 1.3 percentage points for Asian Americans. It also dropped 2.1 percentage points for women and an impressive 2.8 percentage points for Americans without a high-school diploma.

In fact, the improvement in the overall unemployment rate to 8.4 percent surpasses what forecasters expected to see by the end of the year, let alone by the end of August.

As Americans celebrated Labor Day yesterday, President Trump held a news briefing to discuss the country’s path forward. His vision includes an expansion of the popular “Opportunity Zone” tax cuts, which have helped boost growth in low-income areas.

📖 Economy Continues to Rebound As Unemployment Rate Drops

🎬 A fast return to “unprecedented prosperity” with pro-America policies

Photo of the Day

President Trump participates in a signing ceremony with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti | September 4, 2020

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