Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A BIG Rebound? Underway, And MORE Ahead!

“President Trump’s recent executive order laying out his ‘America-First Healthcare Plan’ makes clear his continued commitment to the long-standing, bipartisan consensus that we should protect people with preexisting conditions. Unfortunately, the previous administration’s attempt to make good on that consensus—Obamacare—has failed to deliver on its promises,” CMS Administrator Seema Verma writes in National Review.
“It’s time the national debate over Obamacare finally confronts this reality.”
Click here to read more.
“In ten days, we expect a report that says third quarter real GDP rebounded at a 33.4% annual rate,” economist Brian Wesbury writes. “The sharp rebound in Q3 is a testament to the underlying strength of the US economy before the shutdowns . . . Moreover, the US entered this government-mandated recession with the highest incomes and lowest poverty rate we have ever recorded.” Read more in RealClearPolitics
“I have always said that HUD’s true measure of success is not how many individuals we can get onto our assistance programs, but how many we can lift out of government assistance and set on the path to self-sufficiency. Under Trump’s leadership, there is a rising tide lifting all boats,” Housing & Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson writes for the Washington Examiner
“President Trump announced Monday that he will be removing Sudan from the State Department’s state sponsors of terrorism list after the Sudanese government agreed to pay $335 million in compensation for families of American victims of terrorism . . . Trump's announcement is part of a wider agreement that is expected to include moves from Sudan toward normalizing relations with Israel,” Barak Ravid writes for Axios.

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