Friday, October 30, 2020

COVID: A New Risk For NJ Schools RIGHT NOW?

Following is a special message from our friend, Rick Short of Cherry Hill, NJ:


My boldest NJ health prediction ever...affecting an est. 1,500,000 NJ residents 

Rick Short...former NJ Grassroots Red Light Camera researcher warns hundreds of thousands of NJ School Parents today 10/30/20.

****”The biggest danger to hundreds of NJ Schools today isn't Covid19. It's the State of New Jersey Contract Tracers policies within NJ Schools. Cases are multiplying and SOMEONE in Trenton is literally hiding hundreds of in-class Covid19 Cases" ••••

Contact Tracers in schools just multiply the spread of Covid19 in schools. Schools need to automatically close for 14 days when just one positive case occurs because the risk to others health in the community is NOT worth it. Just ask the school parents in Riverside Schools, Moorestown Friends Schools, Delran Schools, Lakewood Schools, Woodbridge Schools, and Demarest Schools how NJ Contact Tracers kept the school open longer just to be shut down for 14 days anyway and spreading more Covid cases to more people.

While I might not always agree with Government Murphy's policies, I don't believe the governor would intentionally want to cause harm to any NJ student, teacher, or staff. But, it's occurring and I'm the only person reporting it. 

Example: NJ Largest School Outbreak of 36 Covid cases in Woodbridge NJ Schools all went unreported in State Records. There should have been only 1 case if NJ Contact Tracers would have just shut the school down immediately, 

Finally....why NOT list the names of schools with Covid19 outbreaks? The State of NJ listed the names of nursing homes with deaths why not school cases?

IMPORTANT FACT Currently an est. 2,000 Schools have students attending. I would guess about 75 to 100 schools would be closed for 14 days if the state stopped trying to keep schools open. In the end less Covid19 spread would occur closing schools sooner. 

This link below goes to NJ Largest In-Class Covid19 break out .... and it went unreported in State of NJ School Outbreaks in Middlesex County. Unbelievable 

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