Monday, October 19, 2020

Nearly 400 Miles Of Border Wall Completed!

President Trump is in Arizona today, where average family incomes hit a record high and the poverty rate hit a record low in 2019 after just three years of President Trump’s pro-growth, pro-worker policies.
Arizona, much like the rest of our country, also benefited from President Trump’s commitments to secure our border and fix America’s broken immigration system.
As of today, more than 370 miles of new border wall is complete. Just as important, the Trump Administration is prosecuting and deporting violent criminals, stopping the flow of illegal drugs, and closing loopholes that help smugglers and hurt our own citizens.
“The refugee system—set up to provide refuge for victims of war and persecution who had nowhere else to go, often on an explicitly temporary basis—had long since become a racket,” National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd writes.
It provided prestigious jobs in Washington for ‘resettlement experts’ and taxpayer money for glorified slumlords, while generating massive fallout for unsuspecting American communities. Today the system has finally been returned to its proper role.”
With other strong actions from the Trump Administration, including building the border wall, apprehensions for illegal immigration dropped 70% between last May and this August. And during the past fiscal year alone, U.S. law enforcement seized over 100,000 pounds of cocaine, 83,000 pounds of meth, 2,700 pounds of fentanyl, and more.
Illegal immigration hurts everyone. It empowers criminals, bankrolls human smugglers, and fuels transnational gangs. It costs both legal immigrants and U.S. citizens a shot at the American Dream. It endangers law enforcement officers, makes our communities less stable, and puts law-abiding workers and businesses at a disadvantage.
Open borders would make all of these problems worse and destroy Americans’ trust in their government. A safe, strong country needs a safe, strong immigration system.
🎬 WATCH: The wall is going up—and drugs and crime are going down!

President Trump: America’s seniors will be first in line for a safe, effective vaccine!

President Trump spoke in Florida on Friday at an event on protecting America’s seniors—ensuring that they receive the care, respect, and support they deserve.
“I will protect you, I will defend you, and I will fight for you with every ounce of energy and conviction that I have,” President Trump said. “You devoted your life to this country, and I am devoting my life to you.”
🎬 WATCH: Seniors would pay the price for a left-wing agenda
Average Medicare premiums have dropped by 34% since President Trump took office. Some states have experienced price reductions of over 50% or more. Medicare prescription drug prices have also declined, with premiums down 12% on average.
“I stood up to big pharma, and that’s not easy,” President Trump said. “They got big money. They’re the biggest lobbyists in this country, by far. And I signed an executive order implementing a ‘most favored nations’ policy for the United States,” which ensures that Medicare won’t pay more than other countries for important drugs.
After Coronavirus spread from China across the world, the Trump Administration went to work holding Beijing and the World Health Organization accountable for their failures while protecting the American people from both economic and physical harm.
“I’m moving heaven and earth to safeguard our seniors from the China Virus, to deliver lifesaving therapies in record time, and to distribute a safe and effective vaccine before the end of the year,” President Trump said.
“You’re the generation that defeated fascism and triumphed over communism, sent American astronauts to the Moon. You built our country into the greatest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.”
Our seniors remind us of the extraordinary American legacy that President Trump is fighting to protect.
🎬 America’s seniors will be first in line for a safe, effective vaccine!
🎬 President Trump: I will protect, defend, and fight for you!

Photo of the Day

President Trump disembarks Air Force One in Muskegon, Michigan | October 17, 2020

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