Monday, October 12, 2020

Once And For All, The REAL Story Of Columbus!

A facebook friend of our posted what is the best, definitive story of  Columbus we've seen so far. And it's quite succinct as well. Thank you, Salvatore Circosta. Here it is:

Happy Columbus Day! Christopher Columbus is one of my heroes. This Italian explorer from Genoa, Italy set sail for the Kingdom of Spain on a quest to find a better route to the Indies. For Spain, he wanted to give them quicker access to economic trade, but for him, he wanted to find gold.

Why gold? He didn’t want to seek personal wealth. Instead, he wanted to help fund a new crusade to take back the Holy Land from Muslim control. His purpose was selfless and pious. Instead, he found a New World. For the first time, us humans reunited with a group of Asian settlers in the Americas who have been lost for over 10,000 years since the Bering Strait’s ice path was melted in Alaska.
This event brought a great human, historical, political, and scientific endeavor. Some say this was the greatest act in history. Yet, for Columbus he had only one thing in mind- try to communicate with these savage natives in order to build human relations with them and eventually preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them in order to baptize them and receive them into the Roman Catholic Church so that they are saved.
Columbus refused to take any priests with him on his first trip because he feared that if his voyage was unsuccessful and his crew were to die, he couldn’t bear on his Catholic conscience the death of a priest, he wouldn’t want to show up to judgement day and have to be responsible for anything like that. So, instead, upon his arrival he wrote the following prayer which he and his crew prayed 528 years ago today:
“O Lord, eternal and omnipotent God, Thou hast, by Thy holy word, created the heavens, the earth, and the sea; blessed and glorified be Thy name; praised be Thy majesty, who hast deigned that, by means of Thy unworthy servant, Thy sacred name should be acknowledged and made known in this new quarter of the world.”
Columbus has been deemed by today’s liberal historians and political idiots as a rapist, murderer, and thief. These accusations have no real historical basis. Most of these lies come from an atheistic and socialist Jewish man named Howard Zinn. Zinn hated Catholics and despised Western Civilization. Historical documents from Columbus’ days conclude that Columbus was a kind and gentle man, extremely religious, educated, and fair. He was given an awesome task in discovering the New World and has been blamed for every bad action since, when in reality he was simply a good admiral, Catholic, Italian, but probably a weak governor.
Columbus is not only the Admiral of the Atlantic, but the Father of the New World. He is the voyager of Western Civilization, and first missionary of the Catholic Church, and hero to Americans, Italians, Latinos, and Catholics.
Today we celebrate this good man, we pray for the repose of his soul, and we defend his honor.

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