Friday, October 9, 2020

The Good News For Trumpsters? It's All Here!

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Yes, there is plenty of good news to report regarding President Trump, his campaign and the prospects going forward. And it's all very current. So, let's get right to it:

  • A new Zogby poll out today shows Trump's national approval rating at a very health 51% -- that's a majority and it puts him in very nice company and well-positioned for election day.
  • A new Gallup poll just out asks "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" 56% of the public says YES!. For decades, the answer to this question has been a clear indicator of how the race will turn out. This bodes well for President Trump.
  • Several polls ask "Who do you think will win the election?" In all of these President Trump comes out on top. Likewise, when asked "Who do you think your neighbors are voting fo?" people say President Trump. These questions have always been bell weathers as well and often detect a hidden vote for a candidate.
  • New Trafalger polls show President Trump with multi-point leads in Arizona and Ohio, two key battleground states. 
  • A new Insider-Advantage poll shows President Trump with a three-point lead in Florida. Plus, Nevada is also now in play for Trump.
  • Finally, a cookie sales poll has Trump way ahead of Biden and this is another one of those polls that has a high record of accuracy. We're not saying where the poll is conducted because we don't want to open the door to anyone putting their finger on the scales (or the sales) one way or the other. But, trust us, this is a real poll and signs point to a Trump win.
So, take heart everybody.

There's plenty of good news out there. The skies are bright!

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