Tuesday, November 3, 2020

16 Big Reasons To Do The Right Thing Today!

From our dear friend Matt Rooney at Save Jersey:

I voted for Donald Trump because his economic policies have improved my family's life.

I voted for Donald Trump because he knows that apologizing for America isn't a substitute for a real foreign policy.
I voted for Donald Trump because I don't want to live in a country where the media and big tech make open and free discourse impossible.
I voted for Donald Trump because the Leftist thought police talking about setting up "truth and reconciliation committees" won't stop if Biden wins; they'll be emboldened.
I voted for Donald Trump because "the cure" (see New Jersey's shutdown) is proving as-or-more dangerous than the disease.
I voted for Donald Trump because I believe in law and order, and what's happening in Democrat cities not only endangers our police but also all those left behind by decades of failed Democrat urban policy.

I voted for Donald Trump because I'm not a 15-year old emo child, and I can separate my opinion of someone's personality from my assessment of their substantive job performance.
I voted for Donald Trump because my late grandfather - who was a member of the "Greatest Generation" - didn't fight and win a world war only to have his grandchildren and great-grandchildren live in a socialist country.
I voted for Donald Trump because the "Green New Deal" Democrat Party of 2020 wouldn’t be unrecognizable to the party of Truman and JFK.
I voted for Donald Trump because, regardless of how you feel about the abortion issue, it's clear that states like New York have gone off the deep end.
I voted for Donald Trump because I respect a president who wants to EARN the vote of black and brown Americans, not demand it like the Democrats do in exchange for... what?
I voted for Donald Trump because the America that I know isn't racist or hopeless, and real "systemic racism" (to the extent is exists) is a product of the Left's education monopoly which can only be broken up by school choice.
I voted for Donald Trump because - especially if they have the Senate, too - the Democrat Party will attack the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, and do everything in their power to make future federal elections functionally one-party affairs.
I voted for Donald Trump because Joe Biden's running mate is a far-Left nutjob, and Hunter's dad had 47 years to do something for his country but succeeded only in incarcerating a generation of young black Americans.
I voted for Donald Trump because I'm tired of the Left's constant negativity and, for all his faults, this president's optimism is absolutely infectious.
I voted for Donald Trump because he's mad with love for this country like you and I at a time when the Left struggles to find nice things to say about our country.
Also... Phil Murphy doesn't want me to. So there's that.

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