Monday, November 16, 2020

Biden's Tie To Philly's Cesspool Of Corruption

Biden and Brady: Deep connections.
How corrupt is Philadelphia and how compromised are its politics (such as they are) and its elections?

If you're asking that question, you obviously don't know the first thing about Philadelphia and the level of corruption in the city. And even if you think you know, you haven't begun to scratch the surface -- not compared to our friend, former colleague and best-selling author Sean Patrick Griffin. Dr. Griffin, a former Philadelphia police officer, is a professor of criminal justice at The Citadel. He is the author of the critically-acclaimed text Philadelphia’s Black Mafia: A Social and Political History (Springer, 2003), and of the best-selling, more mainstream Black Brothers, Inc.: The Violent Rise and Fall of Philadelphia’s Black Mafia (Milo, 2005/2007).

Here's what Griffin says about the city's reputation for corruption and its long list of public officials who wound up behind bars:

As legal battles continue re the 2020 Presidential Election, considerable attention is being paid to Pennsylvania, and to the Democrat stronghold of Philadelphia, specifically.  The city’s legendary reputation for political chicanery has predictably been a topic of conversation. . . . Political corruption in the city is so endemic that a few years ago locally-based freelance journalist Aaron Kase explained Philadelphians “are hardly shocked when another scandal breaks”.  In my invited 2005 Inquirer op-ed, titled by the paper “Philadelphia’s Sick Politics”, I argued some city residents take “a bizarre, macho pride” embracing the corrupt status quo. With all of this in mind, I’d like to use former U.S. Representative Bob Brady – described in June 2020 by Philadelphia Magazine as “a true Philly political boss if there ever was one” – as an example to non-Philadelphians in an effort to explain why city residents (and alums) have essentially become resigned to corruption. 

In his excellent look at the unsavory dealings of the city's Democrat (it's strictly a one-party, machine town) politicos, Griffin tracks Boss Brady's longtime stranglehold on the city's party structure, his nefarious dealings, his questionable associates and his decades-long friendship with Joe Biden, right up through the the 2020 presidential which turned a 600,000+ vote Pennsylvania deficit into an overnight "victory."  Read all about it right here! It's fascinating -- and chilling!

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