Thursday, November 5, 2020

Yeah, He Won The Cookie Poll AND Lots More!

Trump clearly topped his 2016 totals, winning at least FIVE MILLION more votes.

He made record inroads with groups that Republicans don't usually appeal to. He reached out to non-white voters, winning the biggest share of that group of any Republican candidate in SIXTY years. His appeal to Hispanics and African-Americans was phenomenal.

He doubled his support among gay people.

He maintained high support among all his key voting groups.

He won Florida which has voted for EVERY winner in the last SIX presidential elections.

He won bellwether Ohio, which every GOP candidate must win to become President.

He even won the Buskin Bakery cookie poll (see above) which has predicted the last EIGHT presidential election winners.

And he STILL "lost" the election?

There's something wrong here, folks.
Forget cookies. I smell a fish!

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