Wednesday, December 9, 2020

21 People We'd Love To See Disappear In 2021

2020 has truly been a dreadful year. Eminently worthy of the dustbin, we'd say. And, as if that wasn't disheartening enough, 2021 looks to be even worse. So, looking ahead, there's no shortage of people we'd like to see disappear in the new year. 

Yeah, our list is very arbitrary. And some of our wishes seem, at the very least, implausible. But we can dream, can't we? So, from the bottom to the top of the pungent trash heap, here are the year's 21 most despicable: 

21) JACK DORESY That scowl. That beard. That nose ring. OMG, it’s the Silicon Rasputin!

19) MAUREEN DOWD Once clever and pithy (even if you disagreed with her) she's become stale and repetitive. Plus, she'll have nothing to work with in the year ahead. 

18) THE OBAMAS Yes, all four of ‘em — Barack, Michelle, Sasha and Malia. Go away. Go far, far away and take your books, pop psychology and self-promoting empire with you.

17) PHIL MURPHY Don’t be a knucklehead. Get it done in '21 and chuck phony Phil.

16) MERYL STREEP We really don't care how talented she is, was or may be. She used to disappear into a character and define a role. Now, she's just another spectacle and often a parody of herself. Also, way too strident.

15) BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN and BON JOVI This is a two-for-one special. Not that they were ever really very good performers. Now, they should just pull those masks up so we won’t even have to look at ‘em

14) BRETT BAIER This guy is just boring. Memo to Brett: You’re not Walter Cronkite. In fact, you’re not even Shepard Smith.

13) JOHN LEGEND When you have to name yourself Legend, you’re not a legend. 

12) JIMMY FALLON, JIMMY KIMMEL, STEPHEN COLBERT and TREVOR NOAH. Yeah, all four of ‘em. Just because they ain’t funny!

11) CORY BOOKER This ubiquitous crybaby is so insufferable, he can forget Spartacus. In fact, he wouldn’t even qualify as Saprtacus’ special friend

10) THE CUOMOS Yes, both brudders Chris and Andrew. Unfortunately, these are the kind of indulged, self-absorbed jerks who give eyetalian-Americans a bad name.

9) AOC She’s really not worth more than three-letters, if that. 

8) ANTHONY FAUCI (pictured) The not-so-good doctor whose diagnoses seem to change in a nanosecond depending on the pols, the polls and his never-ending quest for more face time. 

7) JOHN BOLTON The simple truth is that he was probably never in any room where anything happened.

6) MITT ROMNEY Hitching the family dog to the roof of the car rather than renting a larger vacation vehicle? Now it all makes sense!

5) JOHN BRENNAN Predatory pomposity personified. 

4) BOB WODWARD Even as fiction, his concocted tales aren’t very compelling or convincing. Move this tiresome scribe to the bargain bin where he belongs. 

3) CJ JOHN ROBERTS Ya gotta wonder exactly what the Deep State has on this guy, don’t ya?

2) NANCY PELOSI The undisputed new Queen of Mean, she makes Cruella de Vil seem warm and fuzzy.

1) JOE BIDEN Since he'll probably be Time's "Person of the Year" that alone pushes him to the top of our list. Just imagine -- he’s been around sooo long he doesn’t even qualify as a boomer. If you voted for this cranky, worn out ogre you should probably disappear too — at least for awhile.

Too insignificant to make the list but nonetheless worthy of vaporization: Philly Mayor Jim Kenney, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, George Will, Al Sharpton, Whoopi Goldberg, Andrew Nepolitano, Mark Cuban, George Conway, Steve Schmidt, Anthony Scaramucci, David Brooks, Jeb Bush, Colin Kapernick, James Corden, Robert De Niro, Neil Cavuto, Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, Roger Goodell, James Comey and The Clintons (Bill, Hill, Chel and Mark Mexvinsky, too). 

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