Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Ciattarelli Bandwagon Rolls With Shore Area Boost

 Support for New Jersey gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli continued to grow this week in Atlantic County with the small-businessman receiving the endorsements of three separate municipal Republican Clubs and the Mayor of Ventnor City. These endorsements join the growing list of Republican leaders across New Jersey coalescing around Ciattarelli as the candidate to make Phil Murphy One and Done in ‘21. 

“Absecon is a small, close-knit, town full of family-owned and operated businesses whose New Jersey story is very similar to Jack’s, which is why his campaign to fix our state will resonate with so many of our friends and neighbors,” said Absecon Republican Club President Nick LaRotonda . “Jack Ciattarelli has a proven record of winning in places like Absecon, where Democrats outnumber Republicans, and is exactly the person we need atop our ticket this Fall to establish our brand, rebuild our state party, and lead Republicans back to the majority in New Jersey.”

Joining Absecon this week, the Buena Vista Republican Club and Hamilton Republican Club both voted unanimously to endorse Jack Ciattarelli for Governor.

“The Buena Vista Republican League is excited to endorse Jack Ciatterelli for the New Jersey Governors seat. Jack is in-tune with the issues of South Jersey residents and businesses. He will continue to have a strong presence in order to make a difference for our small communities.” Buena Vista Republican Club President Aaron Krenzer added. 

“Jack is the first candidate for Governor I have ever seen come to our local events, support our local candidates, and actually spend time talking to the people.” Buena Vista Municipal Chair Henry Coia offered. “He is down to earth, dedicated, and understands the problems in New Jersey.”

“Hamilton Township is, geographically, the largest municipality in New Jersey and as such has great diversity. Jack Ciattarelli has had past experience at all levels of government from the local level to the state level. He has had tremendous success both in the private and public sectors.” Hamilton Township Club President Reandolph Lafferty offered, “Jack has demonstrated a very high level of appreciation for the needs of communities such as ours and has the skills necessary to help our municipality and the State rebuild from the economic difficulties that the current administration has imposed upon us. WE NEED JACK and we unanimously and enthusiastically endorse Jack Ciattarelli to be New Jersey’s next Governor!”

Joining the three Republican Clubs is the Mayor of Ventnor City, who’s support for Jack comes from his experience, knowledge of small businesses, and his plan to fix New Jersey.

“Ventnor City is built on the small businesses that operate throughout our community, and unfortunately, I have watched the disastrous outcome thanks to Governor Murphy’s radical policies. We need a change and that’s Jack.” continued Ventnor City Mayor Beth Holtzman . "His experience with small businesses is exactly what we need right now. I am proud to endorse Jack and look forward to working with him to help fix New Jersey.”

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